MidStates Aviation LLC
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More About Us
Dean Houseman and John Farquhar have years of experience,Dean also works for Arch Air Medical.John recently recieved the Charles Taylor "Master Mechanic" Award from the FAA. Some of the projects we have worked on are a Van's RV-6 (slow build), an RV-8A quick build, an F1 Rocket QB as well as 4 sets of F-1 wings. Dean also completed his own Thorp T-18 project that was started in 1975, by 3 previous owners.  Since November of 2004, he has accumulated 100 hours of flight time, including trips to Sun-N-Fun and Oshkosh.  John can be seen tooling around the ramp in his own design single seat light sport airplane.  The wings are still under construction, but that doesn't stop him from driving around.  Our next project is a two seat light sport aircraft.  It is sure to be a real hit!  Look for it in the near future.

Our Facility
We have 4200sq ft of heated shop space fully equipped with lathe,vertical mill, drillpress, shear,roller brake and all other necessary sheet
metal equipment.

Cape Girardeau airport manager,Bruce Loy
# 573-334-6230,he will be happy to answer
any questions you might have.

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